“The narcissist is like a bucket with a hole in the bottom: No matter how much you put in, you can never fill it up. The phrase “I never feel like I am enough” is the mantra of the person in the narcissistic relationship. That’s because to your narcissistic partner, you are not. No one is. Nothing is.”
Dr. Ramani Durvasula
If you are in the unenviable position of 'co-parenting' with a highly narcissistic or toxic ex (and going no contact with your ex is not an option), the abuse will undoubtedly continue beyond your break-up or divorce. In many cases, sadly, the abuse escalates. This abuse is oftentimes psychological, emotional, financial and sometimes physical. This is what is referred to as Post-Separation Abuse.
When a narcissistic or coercively controlling ex feels they are losing control of you, they will typically up the ante by trying to take control of what's still within their orbit of influence. This most often means that they will weaponise the legal/court system and your children (as pawns), in order to maintain their sense of power and control. They will try to get people to side with them against you (whether that be your friends, family members, professionals, and most painfully, even your children).
Dealing with this type of situation can be all-consuming and incredibly draining. After all, it is a very harmful form of abuse, and you are still probably experiencing trauma from the relationship itself on top of everything else. There is no doubt that your nervous system is quite dysregulated and you may even be suffering from C-PTSD symptoms. Despite all of the above, you are needing to be the protective parent and guiding light for your precious children. You have no choice but to keep soldiering through and do your best to be present and consistently there for your children.
Unsurprisingly, at times it can all feel too much. This is when it is SO important to reach out to people (friends,family and professionals) who have your back; who understand what you are going through and do not judge you.
Professionals like me, who have personal & professional experience, can offer you validation and emotional support, along with practical suggestions to help get you through this difficult juncture in your life so that you can go on to master 'co-parenting' with your very challenging ex, and handle whatever comes your way, with a more regulated nervous system (supporting your children's wellbeing along the way).